Sep 16, 2024 | 13 Elul, 5784 | |
Parashat Ki Tavo | Candle lighting: 6:33PM

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We are here to serve the community. We appreciate any feedback or suggestions that will help enhance your LA Jewish Times experience.

About Us

Hi! Welcome to LA Jewish Times. We are a website that provides accurate Minyan times for shuls in the West LA Jewish Community. Our locations cover Pico/ Robertson, La Brea/ Hancock Park, Westwood/ Santa Monica, Encino/ Tarzana, and Valley Village/ North Hollywood and more. Additionally, we have created a accurate restaurants tab to keep you posted on all the kosher restaurants in your area. It is our goal to keep improving and expanding the website in hopes that you will benefit from it.

LA Jewish Times was started by a group of guys that were initially born in LA. Separately traveling different parts of the country and having easy access to minyanim, sparked the idea of creating this type of platform for LA and its surrounding communities. We are glad to announce that we have come a long way and only plan on expanding and making this a website we can all benefit from.
